Project support for strategic leadership and coordination of the Kenya Paediatric Fellowship Program and establishment of the East Central and Southern Africa College of Paediatrics and Child Health
General support for an ECD training and implementation organization focused on increasing access to quality services through the training and upskilling of ECD practitioners in rural Eastern Cape for children from birth to six years old
Project support to train and certify 90 ECD tutors at diploma level and 1,000 caregivers at certificate level, and provide technical assistance to 10 teacher training institutions to deliver an accelerated pre-service and in-service ECD caregiver training
General support for an organization that improves the safety of surgery and anesthesia in low-resource settings, through the provision of essential equipment and training
General support to an organization focused on expanding its home‐based ECD model through direct service delivery and technical assistance to partners, in order to reach 10,275 children in 14 districts with quality ECD services
Project support to scale an evidence-based ECD program in partnership with the Government of Ghana to improve parenting practices and kindergarten quality, reaching 8,000 teachers and 1 million children
General support to an organization focused on compensating and supporting digitally enabled community health workers and strengthening community health systems to improve healthcare for mothers and children
Project support to scale a medical simulation pre-service training program in eight medical and nurse training institutions, and to improve newborn survival through facility-based training and deployment of appropriate medical technology
Project support to institutionalize and increase access to specialized neonatal services through in-service training and mentorship of health workers and implementation of a proven intervention package for small and sick newborns in Uganda
Project support to improve quality, consistency, and coverage of parenting programs by institutionalizing a technical training resource hub and expanding the evidence-based Parenting for Respectability program to five districts
General support to an Africa-led foundation that provides grants and capacity strengthening support to community-based organizations delivering critical services to children across Africa
Investment in a fund that provides loans, alongside local banks, to healthcare providers serving poor and underserved communities. All borrowers participate in a quality improvement program aimed at increasing the quality of services offered by the provider.
General support for a digital health organization leading the development and scale-up of the Community Health Toolkit, a software platform that supports community health workers in delivering care to children and families
Project support to train 13 pediatric subspecialists and 32 pediatric oncology nurses for the public sector, and to launch three new fellowship programs in pediatric neurology, critical care, and oncology nursing
General support to an organization that is developing a quality assurance and support model with the aim of strengthening and systematizing a national ECD network of 22 self-sufficient, independent organizations operating in eight of South Africa’s nine provinces