The ELMA Foundation — ELMA Philanthropies

focus areas


Health Workforce

Our investments aim to increase the quality and quantity of the workforce supporting children


Maternal and Newborn Health

Our investments aim to improve maternal and newborn care


Our investments aim to improve access to quality early childhood care and education

Adolescent Girls and Young Women

Our investments aim to ensure young girls and women access quality education and healthcare that strengthens their agency and control of their futures


Our investments aim to ensure that children and adolescents with HIV are identified, treated early, and maintained on treatment

Neglected Tropical Diseases

Our investments aim to control and eliminate NTDs


We invest in organizations, funds, and companies that improve access to quality health and education through the private sector


On occasion, we invest in programs that meet the mission of this foundation but are outside our main focus areas


special initiatives


Spun out of ELMA's Community Grants Program, Masana wa Afrika is an Africa-based foundation that provides grants and capacity strengthening support to community-based organizations delivering critical services to children across Africa


Seeded by ELMA, the APFP is now the leading training program dedicated to building the pediatric workforce in Africa

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ELMA is funding KPFP to create a regional hub for pediatric training to strengthen the health workforce for children


This initiative is a coordinated effort to find HIV-positive children and adolescents living in Uganda and South Africa and ensure that they are linked to quality support services and life-long treatment


ELMA makes impact investments in companies that are providing healthcare and education products and services to children across Africa


This initiative aims to strengthen the early childhood development eco-system to enable universal ECD access


This initiative aims to expand access to ECD services, improve their quality, and grow the government’s capacity to deliver, measure, and improve them