Overview > The ELMA Foundation > Early Childhood Development
Focus Area:
Early Childhood Development

We succeed when more children develop to their full potential, and when early childhood services reach the most vulnerable children.

Scaling ECD in South Africa aims to strengthen the early childhood development eco-system to enable universal ECD access

Strengthening ECD in Uganda aims to expand access to ECD services, improve their quality, and grow the government’s capacity to deliver, measure, and improve them.

Current Investments

Project support to plan, deliver, supervise, and provide access to quality ECD services for 6,366 children aged 3-6 years and to strengthen the capacity of government at the national level
General support for an organization providing children with quality early childhood education, nutrition, health, and basic services in the rural Xhora Mouth Administrative Area, Eastern Cape
General support to an organization improving access to quality ECD services and programs for children ages 0-6 across three provinces
General support for a new organization focused on capacity building, policy development, and implementation research to advance ECD efforts
General support to a social enterprise that supports the collection and use of high-quality data to improve outcomes and access to early learning for children
General support to the non-profit arm of an ECD social enterprise that is building a low-fee, high-quality early learning model by partnering with property developers in the social and affordable housing sector
General support to an organization that coordinates civil society stakeholders and strengthens the capacity of key government entities to develop and implement policies and guidelines for the ECD sector
General support to an organization expanding quality pre-primary services to eight regions of Ethiopia through teacher training, materials development, and organizational strengthening
Project support to establish and expand a cost-effective, replicable daily school feeding program to reach up to 87,000 pre-primary children annually by 2027 in partnership with the government of Murang’a, Nairobi, and Mombasa counties
General support for an organization that designs, demonstrates, and advocates for the implementation of improved ECD systems that will enable the delivery of quality ECD services at scale to the poorest 40% of children, from conception to five years of age
General support for an organization providing a comprehensive package of quality ECD services to a network of ECD centers in southern Kwa-Zulu Natal and northern Eastern Cape
Project support to strengthen the capacity of government and other critical stakeholders to implement and monitor a new country-wide kindergarten policy
General support for an ECD training and implementation organization focused on increasing access to quality services through the training and upskilling of ECD practitioners in rural Eastern Cape for children from birth to six years old
Project support to train and certify 90 ECD tutors at diploma level and 1,000 caregivers at certificate level, and provide technical assistance to 10 teacher training institutions to deliver an accelerated pre-service and in-service ECD caregiver training
General support to an organization focused on expanding its home‐based ECD model through direct service delivery and technical assistance to partners, in order to reach 10,275 children in 14 districts with quality ECD services
Project support to scale an evidence-based ECD program in partnership with the Government of Ghana to improve parenting practices and kindergarten quality, reaching 8,000 teachers and 1 million children
Project support to improve quality, consistency, and coverage of parenting programs by institutionalizing a technical training resource hub and expanding the evidence-based Parenting for Respectability program to five districts
General support to an organization that is developing a quality assurance and support model with the aim of strengthening and systematizing a national ECD network of 22 self-sufficient, independent organizations operating in eight of South Africa’s nine provinces
Project support to equip public daycare centres as part of the City of Addis Ababa’s Future Hope of Addis ECD initiative
Project support to improve access to quality ECD services for 7,000 children, strengthen parent and caregiver knowledge and skills, and replicate best practices of a community-based ECD model
General support for an organization focused on advancing the quality of ECD teacher education
General support for an organization focused on improving the quality of national pre-service and in-service kindergarten teacher training in partnership with the Ministry of Education
General support to a cost-effective and scalable early learning social franchise that provides quality education programs to three- and four-year-olds through a network of licensed ECD practitioners
General support for an organization supporting African organizations, governments, and ECD networks to design and roll out out best ECD practices, policies, and tools
Project support to incubate and implement a seven-year initiative endorsed by the South African Office of the Presidency to drive improved outcomes for children across a comprehensive package of early childhood services as part of its National Program of Action for Children
Project support for Grow Great, a national campaign to significantly reduce stunting by 2030
General support for a social justice law clinic working to support access to quality early childhood development and education using strategic litigation, advocacy, and policy development support
General support to a social enterprise providing quality improvement services to a network of self-sustaining, low-cost ECD centers in urban neighborhoods
General support for an ongoing social justice program focused on advancing the realization of children’s rights in South Africa