Current Investments

Project support for the purchase of ready-to-use therapeutic food buffer stock to prevent stockout of commodities necessary for treatment of severe acute malnutrition
Project support to repair the school and office infrastructure damaged by floods in the Eastern Cape
Project support for community-based cholera vaccine outreach and administration as well as biological sample testing to enhance the government's outbreak response
Project support for Higherlife Foundation to provide nutritional support to 1,200 vulnerable children ages 0-18 in 30 institutions
Contribution to the largest Africa-based humanitarian organization to support as-needed emergency response and recovery efforts in multiple countries including South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine, and Syria
Project support to map one billion currently unmapped people, to better target humanitarian and other interventions
Project support to address the humanitarian needs of internally displaced people in Debre Berhan
Project support for revision and rollout of country guidelines for the treatment of acute malnutrition
Contribution in the form of a matching grant for supporting emergency medical response in Gaza
Project support in the form of a matching grant for expanding the volume and types of medical commodities, supplies, and equipment stocked and deployed by WHO's Emergency Hub in Nairobi, Kenya
special initiatives

This initiative supports grantees across The ELMA Group that are responding to emergencies affecting communities they serve.