The ELMA Foundation
Health Workforce

These investments aim to increase the quality and quantity of the workforce supporting children
Project support to train 18 pediatric sub-specialists and upgrade 36 nurse-midwives to improve quality and distribution of the specialized pediatric workforce in the public sector
Project support to continue institutionalizing community health promoters by strengthening financing, leadership and governance, policy, and coordination for an integrated and sustainable community health system
Project support to strengthen capacity of two training institutions to deliver competency based education and increase the number of faculty, in order to increase production of nurse anesthetists and improve the quality of anesthesia care
Project support to expand Uganda’s Pediatric Hematology Oncology (PHO) specialty training for 22 new PHO fellows and 26 specialty nurses
Project support to assist the Ministries of Health and Finance in developing investment cases and securing funding for building the health workforce
Project support to secure financial resources and support the Government of Rwanda and national institutions to implement the National Strategy for Health Professions Development (2020-2030)
Project support to enable national and county-level planning and coordination of pediatric training for nurses and subspecialists, and to strengthen the capacity of the Kenya Paediatric Association as a regional resource for the pediatric workforce
General support for an organization that works with governments, donors, and the private sector to address financing challenges to scaling and sustaining primary and community health programs
Project support to train 111 pediatric (oncology, general pediatric, and critical care) nurses for the public sector, and to launch a pediatric oncology nursing fellowship program
Project support for strategic leadership and coordination of the Kenya Paediatric Fellowship Program and establishment of the East Central and Southern Africa College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Project support to expand the training of neonatal nurses through scholarships for 80 trainees in underserved counties
General support to an organization that supports the scale-up of digitally empowered community health workers
General support to an organization focused on compensating and supporting digitally enabled community health workers and strengthening community health systems to improve healthcare for mothers and children
Project support to scale a medical simulation pre-service training program in eight medical and nurse training institutions, and to improve newborn survival through facility-based training and deployment of appropriate medical technology
Project support to train 13 pediatric subspecialists and 32 pediatric oncology nurses for the public sector, and to launch three new fellowship programs in pediatric neurology, critical care, and oncology nursing
Project support to expand delivery of competency‐based nursing/midwifery education, and increase production of enrolled nurses, midwives, and anesthetic officers in Karamoja and Lango regions
Project support for equipment and infrastructure to strengthen pediatric workforce training, as part of the Government of Rwanda’s “National Strategy for Health Professions Development 2020-2030”
Project support to institutionalize competency-based clinical education to improve the quality of emergency care and maternal, newborn, and child health pre-service training, and to launch new postgraduate programs in midwifery and emergency care
Project support to provide technical assistance to finalize, disseminate, and pilot implementation of the National Community Health Strategy in three districts
Project support to strengthen the African Paediatric Fellowship Program to train pediatric specialists from peer universities and provide support to strengthen child health services and in-country training
Project support to strengthen the African Paediatric Fellowship Program to train pediatric specialists from peer universities and provide support to strengthen child health services and in-country training
Project support to train 21 pediatric sub-specialists for the public sector, and to launch three new pediatric subspecialty training programs in gastroenterology, hematology-oncology, and pulmonology
Project support for the implementation of the Government of Rwanda’s “National Strategy for Health Professions Development 2020-2030” by establishing the faculty, equipment, and infrastructure needed to build and sustain training for the pediatric workforce
Project support to strengthen the African Paediatric Fellowship Program to train pediatric specialists from peer universities and provide support to strengthen child health services and in-country training
Project support for the scholarships of 16 pediatricians to be trained and deployed to central and provincial hospitals, serving 6.7 million children
Project support to scale-up a regional pediatric anesthesia training network across five African countries, with the goal of graduating 38 new pediatric anesthesiologists and training over 500 non-physician anesthesia providers in pediatric anesthesia
Maternal and Newborn Health

These investments aim to improve maternal and newborn care
Project support to improve the care and outcomes of small and sick newborns through in‐service training and mentorship of health workers in high‐volume health facilities in the mid-central region
Project support to improve the care and outcomes of small and sick newborns through in‐service training and mentorship of health workers in high‐volume health facilities in the greater Masaka region
Project support to institutionalize newborn care approaches and implement a proven intervention package for small and sick newborns in eight districts in mid-western Uganda
Project support to develop and present an investment case to National Treasury to finance the integration and sustainability of key digital health tools to be housed within the National Department of Health
Project support to improve perinatal outcomes through the rollout of point-of-care ultrasound at primary healthcare settings
Project support to increase equitable access to medical oxygen in low- and middle-income countries by helping governments build sustainable oxygen ecosystems
Project support to advance the quality and uptake of maternal and newborn health services through digital health platforms
General support for an organization that works to expand and promote access to affordable, quality health and education services for underserved communities, with a focus on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health.
General support for an organization that improves the safety of surgery and anesthesia in low-resource settings, through the provision of essential equipment and training
Project support to institutionalize and increase access to specialized neonatal services through in-service training and mentorship of health workers and implementation of a proven intervention package for small and sick newborns in Uganda
Project support to improve the care and outcomes of small and sick newborns through in‐service training and mentorship of health workers in high‐volume health facilities in Karamoja and Lango regions
Project support to increase equitable access to medical oxygen in low- and middle-income countries by helping governments build sustainable oxygen ecosystems
Project support to improve neonatal outcomes in three high-volume hospitals in Kampala, through in-service newborn resuscitation training and mentorship of health workers, and improvement of infection control
Project support to test and refine improved post-discharge care for vulnerable newborns born each year in Sengerema District Hospital by building on the m-mama emergency transport platform to provide reminders, telehealth, referrals, and transport
Project support to improve the care and outcomes of small and sick newborns through in‐service training and mentorship of health workers in high‐volume health facilities in Acholi region
Project support for Phase II of the NEST program to increase coverage and quality of hospital-based small and sick newborn care
Early Childhood Development

These investments aim to improve access to quality early childhood care and education
Project support to plan, deliver, supervise, and provide access to quality ECD services for 6,366 children aged 3-6 years and to strengthen the capacity of government at the national level
General support for an organization providing children with quality early childhood education, nutrition, health, and basic services in the rural Xhora Mouth Administrative Area, Eastern Cape
General support to an organization improving access to quality ECD services and programs for children ages 0-6 across three provinces
General support for a new organization focused on capacity building, policy development, and implementation research to advance ECD efforts
General support to a social enterprise that supports the collection and use of high-quality data to improve outcomes and access to early learning for children
General support to the non-profit arm of an ECD social enterprise that is building a low-fee, high-quality early learning model by partnering with property developers in the social and affordable housing sector
General support to an organization that coordinates civil society stakeholders and strengthens the capacity of key government entities to develop and implement policies and guidelines for the ECD sector
General support to an organization expanding quality pre-primary services to eight regions of Ethiopia through teacher training, materials development, and organizational strengthening
Project support to establish and expand a cost-effective, replicable daily school feeding program to reach up to 87,000 pre-primary children annually by 2027 in partnership with the government of Murang’a, Nairobi, and Mombasa counties
General support for an organization that designs, demonstrates, and advocates for the implementation of improved ECD systems that will enable the delivery of quality ECD services at scale to the poorest 40% of children, from conception to five years of age
General support for an organization providing a comprehensive package of quality ECD services to a network of ECD centers in southern Kwa-Zulu Natal and northern Eastern Cape
Project support to strengthen the capacity of government and other critical stakeholders to implement and monitor a new country-wide kindergarten policy
General support for an ECD training and implementation organization focused on increasing access to quality services through the training and upskilling of ECD practitioners in rural Eastern Cape for children from birth to six years old
Project support to train and certify 90 ECD tutors at diploma level and 1,000 caregivers at certificate level, and provide technical assistance to 10 teacher training institutions to deliver an accelerated pre-service and in-service ECD caregiver training
General support to an organization focused on expanding its home‐based ECD model through direct service delivery and technical assistance to partners, in order to reach 10,275 children in 14 districts with quality ECD services
Project support to scale an evidence-based ECD program in partnership with the Government of Ghana to improve parenting practices and kindergarten quality, reaching 8,000 teachers and 1 million children
Project support to improve quality, consistency, and coverage of parenting programs by institutionalizing a technical training resource hub and expanding the evidence-based Parenting for Respectability program to five districts
General support to an organization that is developing a quality assurance and support model with the aim of strengthening and systematizing a national ECD network of 22 self-sufficient, independent organizations operating in eight of South Africa’s nine provinces
Project support to equip public daycare centres as part of the City of Addis Ababa’s Future Hope of Addis ECD initiative
Project support to improve access to quality ECD services for 7,000 children, strengthen parent and caregiver knowledge and skills, and replicate best practices of a community-based ECD model
General support for an organization focused on advancing the quality of ECD teacher education
General support for an organization focused on improving the quality of national pre-service and in-service kindergarten teacher training in partnership with the Ministry of Education
General support to a cost-effective and scalable early learning social franchise that provides quality education programs to three- and four-year-olds through a network of licensed ECD practitioners
General support for an organization supporting African organizations, governments, and ECD networks to design and roll out out best ECD practices, policies, and tools
Project support to incubate and implement a seven-year initiative endorsed by the South African Office of the Presidency to drive improved outcomes for children across a comprehensive package of early childhood services as part of its National Program of Action for Children
Project support for Grow Great, a national campaign to significantly reduce stunting by 2030
General support for a social justice law clinic working to support access to quality early childhood development and education using strategic litigation, advocacy, and policy development support
General support to a social enterprise providing quality improvement services to a network of self-sustaining, low-cost ECD centers in urban neighborhoods
General support to provide reopening, stabilizing, and rebuilding support to 450 ECD centers and programs serving 20,000 children across three provinces
General support for an organization developing, testing, and disseminating best practices to support mental health for pregnant and post-natal women in low-resource settings
Project support to provide technical assistance to the National Childhood Development Agency to analyze current ECD financing and plan for increased ECD investment and coordination
General support for an ongoing social justice program focused on advancing the realization of children’s rights in South Africa
General support for an organization that develops content and resources to support early language and literacy development, and provides technical assistance to government and non-profit organizations to scale effective integrated ECD services
Adolescent Girls And Young Women
General support for the preeminent organization ensuring that girls remain in school and learn through a community model that radically improves girls’ prospects of becoming independent, influential women
Project support for a digital health platform to increase access to HIV, sexual reproductive health, and mental health services among adolescent girls, young women, and youth in their diversities in urban and peri-urban districts around Kampala
Project support to significantly reduce gender-based violence, teenage pregnancy, and school dropout in all public schools in Migori county, reaching 500,000 students

These investments aim to ensure that children and adolescents with HIV are identified, treated early, and maintained on treatment
Project support to strengthen pediatric and adolescent HIV service delivery through technical support in high-burden countries, coordination of global tools and best practices, and accelerated access to pediatric formulations of anti-retroviral therapies
General support to an organization that strengthens pediatric and adolescent HIV service delivery by providing technical support and accelerated access to optimal pediatric formulations in high-burden countries
Project support to the management of WHO's Global Accelerator for Pediatric Formulations (GAP-f) network, which is focused on accelerating access to safe, effective, quality, affordable pediatric medicines
Neglected Tropical Diseases

These investments aim to control and eliminate NTDs
Co-funding initiative with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Virgin Unite, and an anonymous donor: Project support to 1) make progress towards trachoma elimination in 14 African countries via an integrated NTD program and 2) conduct an RCT to reduce child mortality and inform trachoma elimination strategies
Project support to eliminate river blindness in an area bordering South Sudan
Project support to test and treat approximately 11,000 people suffering from visceral leishmaniasis per year
Project support to eliminate transmission of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths
Project support for the Accelerate Resilient, Innovative, and Sustainable Elimination of NTDs-2 (ARISE-2) program, aiming to accelerate the elimination of onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminths, and trachoma
Private Sector Solutions

These investments improve access to quality health and education through the private sector
Project support, in the form of a partially recoverable grant, to establish the Acumen Educational Facility for East Africa, which will invest in and support education businesses improving access to quality education for poor and low-income families
Investment in a private equity fund that aims to drive meaningful public health improvements by investing in technologies targeted towards low and middle income countries
Investment in a mobile health wallet platform that links participants, healthcare providers, and healthcare payers to provide fast, efficient, and transparent treatment and payment
Loan Notes Investment in a not-for-profit company that aims to provide affordable, quality rapid diagnostic tests to low- and middle-income countries by performing the complete value chain from R&D to regulatory approval and manufacturing, and establishing partnerships to produce tests throughout Africa
GroFin SGB is a debt fund focusing on small growing businesses in high-impact sectors across Africa. Their investment is coupled with strong business support services to give the underlying company the best change to become sustainable.
Investment in a private equity fund that targets both a financial and social return by investing in private healthcare companies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Investment in a fund that provides loans, alongside local banks, to healthcare providers serving poor and underserved communities. All borrowers participate in a quality improvement program aimed at increasing the quality of services offered by the provider.
Investment in an education technology company that creates interactive e-learning content and resources for primary school students and teachers
Investment in a social enterprise that designs, manufactures, and supplies affordable mobility and posture support devices for children in low and middle-income countries
Investment in a private company that has established a chain of affordable primary schools reaching a market segment that currently has few quality options. SPARK uses a blended learning model with highly trained teachers and technology to keep costs under control.
Special Opportunities

On occasion, we invest in programs that meet the mission of this foundation but are outside our main focus areas
Project support to build Sentinel, a disease surveillance and pandemic prevention system, across Nigeria and West Africa
General support for a key Ministry of Health partner improving access to quality healthcare through technical assistance, research, and public health programs
Project support for a Program Management Team to support the Ministry of Health to implement Phase 1 of the “Health Sector Strategic Plan III 2023-30" to drive policy priorities for maternal, newborn, and child health
Project support to expand digital products to make government services and benefits simple, accessible, and equitable
Co-investment in the Higherlife Foundation's health, education, and crisis preparedness and response programs
Project support for sub-granting and providing technical assistance to 18 community-based organizations serving vulnerable children and youth
Project support to measure, mitigate, and elevate global awareness of lead exposure in low- and middle-income countries
General support to an Africa-led foundation that provides grants and capacity strengthening support to community-based organizations delivering critical services to children across Africa
General support for a digital health organization leading the development and scale-up of HealthConnect, an integrated communication platform that connects public health managers, health facilities, and clients to improve access to quality health services
Project support for Digital Medic to deliver high-quality digital video content for health worker education, training, and service delivery
General support for an organization working to transform the country’s child welfare and foster care system

The ELMA Relief Foundation

These investments support relief efforts anywhere in the world, with an emphasis on children in Africa
Project support for the purchase of ready-to-use therapeutic food buffer stock to prevent stockout of commodities necessary for treatment of severe acute malnutrition
Project support to repair the school and office infrastructure damaged by floods in the Eastern Cape
Project support for community-based cholera vaccine outreach and administration as well as biological sample testing to enhance the government's outbreak response
Project support for Higherlife Foundation to provide nutritional support to 1,200 vulnerable children ages 0-18 in 30 institutions
Contribution to the largest Africa-based humanitarian organization to support as-needed emergency response and recovery efforts in multiple countries including South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine, and Syria
Project support to map one billion currently unmapped people, to better target humanitarian and other interventions
Project support to address the humanitarian needs of internally displaced people in Debre Berhan
Project support for revision and rollout of country guidelines for the treatment of acute malnutrition
Contribution in the form of a matching grant for supporting emergency medical response in Gaza
Project support in the form of a matching grant for expanding the volume and types of medical commodities, supplies, and equipment stocked and deployed by WHO's Emergency Hub in Nairobi, Kenya

The ELMA Growth Foundation

These investments support organizations that improve the lives of low income communities in Africa
Project support for providing financial aid to students from disadvantaged backgrounds and for a program to link alumni to careers in public health
General support for a growing African-led organization providing medical services to populations, with a focus on children, in some of the lowest served countries in sub-Saharan Africa
Project support, in partnership with the Rwandan government, to construct 80 pedestrian foot bridges to improve access to clinics, schools, and markets in rural areas
General support for a growing African organization delivering community health, education, clinical care, and nutrition
General support to expand a training and savings-based agricultural model to reach one million small-holder farmers
General support for a rapidly growing social enterprise that offers comprehensive agricultural training, supplies, and financing to improve the livelihoods of subsistence farming families
Participation in a syndicated finance facility to cover short-term working capital needs
General support for a holistic community development agency serving 100,000 people in Yetebon and Chacha regions through provision of education, essential health care, vocational training, and water and sanitation
Project support to deliver financial training, expand local value chain financing, and support revenue growth and market access of agricultural SMEs

The ELMA Music Foundation

These investments support organizations that use music programming to advance youth development
Project support for the Music Department of a comprehensive after-school youth development center in South Central Los Angeles
Project support for need-based scholarships for youth from The ELMA Music Foundation's U.S.-based grantees to attend Berklee College of Music's four year undergraduate program
Project support providing need-based scholarships for students from Africa to attend Berklee College of Music's four-year undergraduate program
Project support for the intensive performing arts program, Creative Solutions, to help disengaged youth transition out of the juvenile justice system
General support to a longstanding community-based organization providing after-school music and performing arts programming for youth ages 3-18 in the areas of private instruction, recitals, and student support services in Richmond, California
General support for an after-school music program providing underserved children and youth from the Ninth Ward of New Orleans the opportunity to study music through arts-focused youth development programs
General support for an organization that trains disadvantaged youth in music, dance, and life skills
Project support for emergency response in Asheville, North Carolina
Project support for the Agnes Varis Jazz in the Schools Program (JITS), which extends the careers of aging artists and brings music to schools, nursing homes, and hospitals nationwide
Project support for after-school music education programming serving disadvantaged children and youth and linking them to broader youth development services in multiple Living Classroom Foundation sites in Baltimore, MD, and Washington, DC
General support to an organization uplifting gospel and jazz musical traditions to heal and inspire, with a focus on providing free training and performance opportunities for low-income teenagers in Harlem, New York
Project support to establish the Hugh Masekela Heritage Scholarship for six South African students to attend the Manhattan School of Music's undergraduate program
Project support to subgrant and strengthen the capacity of a cohort of community-based organizations with music and youth development programming
General support for an after-school center that includes music programming in creative youth development and early childhood classes in the Bronx, New York
Project support for an arts-based diversion program, providing alternatives to incarceration for youth
Project support for the music programming of a community-based youth development organization in Bronx, New York
Project support for the Media, Arts, and Culture (MAC) program of a community-based youth development organization that provides a safe space for creative expression, youth leadership, and social justice in Richmond, CA
Project support to advance and expand programming to support music education in schools and for justice impacted youth at two Travis Hill Juvenile Justice Centers in New Orleans
Project support for Stax Music Academy, which provides extended day and after-school music instruction and comprehensive youth development programming to youth in Memphis
General support for an organization that offers music/arts programming as a component of complementary youth development services
General support for an organization introducing young girls of color to science, technology, engineering, and math through intentionally designed music and dance curriculum
Project support for the music and performing arts programming of a community-based organization that serves youth ages 12-21 in the areas of health, education, the arts, personal development, and career services in New York City
Project support for the Miami Music Alliance (MMA), a collaborative effort of five organizations to provide 2,500 elementary through high school students in Miami Gardens with sequential music education and social-emotional support.
Project support for a youth-driven music and performing arts program serving youth between the ages of 13 and 22 in Ann Arbor, MI, many of whom are at-risk and/or from disadvantaged backgrounds
General support for an organization providing music-based youth development support for young people in New York who are in various forms of state care for substance abuse recovery, justice-related confinement, or foster care
Project support to expand access to creative and technical resources for after-school music and arts programming in New Orleans
General support for a community-based, music-focused youth development organization that provides and improves economic opportunities for young people in the creative arts in Denver, Colorado

The ELMA Vaccines & Immunization Foundation
Vaccine Access & Equity

These investments aim to increase coverage of life-saving vaccines for children
Project support to ensure 110,000 zero-dose and under-immunized children in five regions are on track to receive all recommended vaccines and immunizations for their age group and to scale up last mile delivery of childhood vaccines
Project support for Zipline drone delivery to supply vaccines and medical commodities to zero-dose clusters in three states
Project support to ensure approximately 50,000 children start or catch up on their immunization schedules, and to generate research and strategies to immunize zero-dose and under-immunized children
Preparedness & Response

These investments aim to strengthen Africa’s timely access to vaccines as a key component of preventing and responding to outbreaks and pandemics
Project support to scale vaccine remote temperature monitoring during transportation and to provide real-time data analytics to guide interventions to safeguard the country’s vaccines
Project support to complete the clinical trial and enable manufacturing of the Biovac vaccine for cholera prevention
Project support to lead a consortium of African universities and organizations to develop the technologies for mRNA vaccine manufacturing and to create a pipeline of novel mRNA vaccines
Project support to strengthen measles outbreak preparedness, response, and recovery capacity throughout Africa

The ELMA South Africa Foundation
Gender Justice

These investments support organizations that increase access to gender-based violence services, awareness, and prevention programs, and transform the justice system to center the needs of survivors.
General support for an organization focused on eradicating gender-based violence, and providing support to those affected by violence through counseling, legal services, and engaging communities to prevent abuse through education and empowerment initiatives in the Western Cape
General support for an organization providing services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and advocating for survivor -centric approaches to gender-based violence response by first responders, the police, the National Prosecuting Authority, and the courts
General support for an organization providing gender-based violence (GBV) response and prevention services, leading a national advocacy campaign for improved GBV services, and working to strengthen the GBV NGO-sector
General support to a womxn-focused law center conducting constitutional litigation, advocacy, and direct legal support on gender issues
Supporting The Constitution

These investments support organizations working to realize the constitutional rights of everyone living in South Africa
Contribution to support the organization's role in enabling accountability and transparency in the media
General support for an organization actively countering online misinformation, divisive rhetoric, and narrative manipulation that undermines democratic stability and social cohesion
General support for an organization encouraging and enabling informed public participation in opposing corruption, with a focus on strengthening engagement and accountability around education, health, and socio-economic rights and state institution
General support for a public interest litigation organization working to defend constitutional democracy, focusing on transparency and accountability of the state and private sector
Contribution for social justice reporting via Maverick Citizen to help drive active citizenship, accountability, and transparency
General support for a human rights organization providing legal advice, assistance, and representation to marginalized and vulnerable individuals and communities, including refugee and migrant communities
General support for a public interest litigation and advocacy organization working to defend and advance the constitutional rights of poor, marginalized, and vulnerable communities, with a strategic focus on land and education rights justice
General support for an organization promoting the development of a free, fair, ethical media culture, and an informed and engaged citizenry required to promote democracy of empowering children and democracy in South Africa
General support for a leading research and advocacy organization working to ensure the public sector is effective and accountable for all South Africans
General support to an organization providing holistic, integrative services and undertaking advocacy to realize the human rights of the refugee, migrant and asylum seeker community in Cape Town
General support for a public-interest law and advocacy center that uses litigation, advocacy, and community mobilization to help realize the rights to education, health care, and food security
General support for an organization unlocking corporate and high-net-worth South Africans' funding for social justice and human rights programs
General support for a public interest law firm that provides professional, research, advocacy, and litigation services to communities, movements, and civil society organizations which seek to enforce socio-economic rights
General support for an organization undertaking advocacy and community mobilization to realize human rights, particularly socio and economic rights, and democratic governance and accountability
General support for a university-based, human rights law center using strategic litigation, advocacy, and research to advance the Constitution, protect the rule of law, and ensure the democratic structures of the country are upheld

The ELMA Caribbean Foundation

These investments support organizations improving healthcare, climate resistance, and disaster response in the Caribbean
General support for an organization focused on advancing climate change resilience across the Caribbean
Contribution toward the purchase of emergency supplies and equipment in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl
Project support to ensure over 80 children receive lifesaving cardiac surgeries per year
Contribution to support the provision of pediatric cardiac surgical procedures for four Haitian children

The ELMA Climate Foundation

These investments support organizations that combat climate change
General support to an organization that funds Indigenous organizations to secure land tenure, with the additional goal of protecting 50 million hectares of tropical forest by 2027
General support for a foundation that provides sub-grants and technical assistance to support initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions across the continent
General support for an organization focused on scaling up a quality improvement model in 6,000 ECD centers reaching 500,000 children in low-income populations by 2025