Overview > The ELMA South Africa Foundation > Supporting the Constitution
Focus Area:
Supporting the Constitution

We succeed when the constitutional rights of everyone living in South Africa are realized.

Current Investments

Contribution to support the organization's role in enabling accountability and transparency in the media
General support for an organization actively countering online misinformation, divisive rhetoric, and narrative manipulation that undermines democratic stability and social cohesion
General support for an organization encouraging and enabling informed public participation in opposing corruption, with a focus on strengthening engagement and accountability around education, health, and socio-economic rights and state institution
General support for a public interest litigation organization working to defend constitutional democracy, focusing on transparency and accountability of the state and private sector
Contribution for social justice reporting via Maverick Citizen to help drive active citizenship, accountability, and transparency
General support for a human rights organization providing legal advice, assistance, and representation to marginalized and vulnerable individuals and communities, including refugee and migrant communities
General support for a public interest litigation and advocacy organization working to defend and advance the constitutional rights of poor, marginalized, and vulnerable communities, with a strategic focus on land and education rights justice
General support for an organization promoting the development of a free, fair, ethical media culture, and an informed and engaged citizenry required to promote democracy of empowering children and democracy in South Africa
General support for a leading research and advocacy organization working to ensure the public sector is effective and accountable for all South Africans
General support to an organization providing holistic, integrative services and undertaking advocacy to realize the human rights of the refugee, migrant and asylum seeker community in Cape Town
General support for a public-interest law and advocacy center that uses litigation, advocacy, and community mobilization to help realize the rights to education, health care, and food security
General support for an organization unlocking corporate and high-net-worth South Africans' funding for social justice and human rights programs
General support for a public interest law firm that provides professional, research, advocacy, and litigation services to communities, movements, and civil society organizations which seek to enforce socio-economic rights
General support for an organization undertaking advocacy and community mobilization to realize human rights, particularly socio and economic rights, and democratic governance and accountability
General support for a university-based, human rights law center using strategic litigation, advocacy, and research to advance the Constitution, protect the rule of law, and ensure the democratic structures of the country are upheld