Overview > The ELMA Foundation > Maternal and Newborn Health
Focus Area:
Maternal and Newborn Health

We succeed when more mothers and babies have access to safe and dignified care, and survive birth and the postpartum period.

Current Investments

Project support to improve the care and outcomes of small and sick newborns through in‐service training and mentorship of health workers in high‐volume health facilities in the mid-central region
Project support to improve the care and outcomes of small and sick newborns through in‐service training and mentorship of health workers in high‐volume health facilities in the greater Masaka region
Project support to institutionalize newborn care approaches and implement a proven intervention package for small and sick newborns in eight districts in mid-western Uganda
Project support to develop and present an investment case to National Treasury to finance the integration and sustainability of key digital health tools to be housed within the National Department of Health
Project support to improve perinatal outcomes through the rollout of point-of-care ultrasound at primary healthcare settings
Project support to increase equitable access to medical oxygen in low- and middle-income countries by helping governments build sustainable oxygen ecosystems
Project support to advance the quality and uptake of maternal and newborn health services through digital health platforms
General support for an organization that works to expand and promote access to affordable, quality health and education services for underserved communities, with a focus on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health.
General support for an organization that improves the safety of surgery and anesthesia in low-resource settings, through the provision of essential equipment and training
Project support to institutionalize and increase access to specialized neonatal services through in-service training and mentorship of health workers and implementation of a proven intervention package for small and sick newborns in Uganda
Project support to improve the care and outcomes of small and sick newborns through in‐service training and mentorship of health workers in high‐volume health facilities in Karamoja and Lango regions
Project support to increase equitable access to medical oxygen in low- and middle-income countries by helping governments build sustainable oxygen ecosystems
Project support to improve neonatal outcomes in three high-volume hospitals in Kampala, through in-service newborn resuscitation training and mentorship of health workers, and improvement of infection control
Project support to test and refine improved post-discharge care for vulnerable newborns born each year in Sengerema District Hospital by building on the m-mama emergency transport platform to provide reminders, telehealth, referrals, and transport
Project support to improve the care and outcomes of small and sick newborns through in‐service training and mentorship of health workers in high‐volume health facilities in Acholi region
Project support for Phase II of the NEST program to increase coverage and quality of hospital-based small and sick newborn care