Explore by Geography > Tanzania

Current investments in Tanzania

The ELMA Foundation
General support for the preeminent organization ensuring that girls remain in school and learn through a community model that radically improves girls’ prospects of becoming independent, influential women
Project support to increase equitable access to medical oxygen in low- and middle-income countries by helping governments build sustainable oxygen ecosystems
Project support to test and refine improved post-discharge care for vulnerable newborns born each year in Sengerema District Hospital by building on the m-mama emergency transport platform to provide reminders, telehealth, referrals, and transport
Project support for Phase II of the NEST program to increase coverage and quality of hospital-based small and sick newborn care
The ELMA Relief Foundation
The ELMA Growth Foundation
General support to expand a training and savings-based agricultural model to reach one million small-holder farmers
General support for a rapidly growing social enterprise that offers comprehensive agricultural training, supplies, and financing to improve the livelihoods of subsistence farming families
The ELMA Vaccines & Immunization Foundation
Project support to scale vaccine remote temperature monitoring during transportation and to provide real-time data analytics to guide interventions to safeguard the country’s vaccines