ELMA's Guide to Year-End Giving with Masana wa Afrika — ELMA Philanthropies

ELMA's Guide to Year-End Giving with Masana wa Afrika

ELMA's Guide to Year-End Giving with Masana wa Afrika

December 3rd, 2024


Learn to Play, Botswana


This year, we encourage you to stand with us and support community-based initiatives that empower African children to dream big and reach their full potential. Your support can make a significant impact and together we can create a brighter tomorrow for the next generation. Meet the organizations below!

Urunji Child Care Trust - Malawi

Urunji provides essential education, health, nutrition services, and psychosocial support to orphaned and vulnerable children living in Lilongwe District. They ensure that each child receives support from their community so that they are able to maintain a sense of belonging and grow in a familiar and comforting environment.

Bizweni Centre For Children With Disabilities - South Africa

Bizweni is an educational day care center in the Western Cape for children aged 2-18 years old living with physical and intellectual disabilities. They are the only facility in the surrounding community that provides this specialized care. Each child is assessed by a specialist and receives an individual education plan. Bizweni also provides physical, occupational, and speech therapy as well as a music program, nutritional support, and transport to and from the center.

Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust - South Africa

Ububele’s models of community-based mental health care address the emotional trauma of South Africa’s past, the ongoing mental and physical effects of the cycle of poverty, and the daily challenges faced by individuals, families, and communities. Through the development and dissemination of training programmes, psychosocial support, and home-based care—all with an early childhood development focus—Ububele is supporting children to grow up to be emotionally healthy adults, competent parents, and concerned citizens. Ububele serves families of Alexandra Townships.

Learn to Play - Botswana

Learn to Play enables mothers in vulnerable communities of Botswana to establish child-centered, developmentally appropriate, and culturally relevant playgroups. This is integrated with nutrition and water, sanitation, and hygiene activities to promote good hygiene and food practices at all playgroup sites. In addition, through its parenting program, Learn to Play assists caregivers to understand the importance of learning through play, positive parenting, responsive caregiving, and nurturing care. Learn to Play’s activities ensure access to high-quality ECD for children.

Moya Trust - Eswatini

Moya Trust provides care to children in the rural community of Lombambo Lomdzala, Eswatini. Its programs have a strong focus on access to education and psychological wellbeing to ensure that each child receives the necessary interventions and support to reach developmental milestones. Moya’s holistic model of care recognizes and supports the linkages between the individual child, family, school, and community.

Beautiful Dream Society - Lesotho

BDS works to prevent human trafficking and support victims of human trafficking. They provide a loving trauma-informed home environment, individualized direct care in the form of shelter, food, clothing, education, skills training, medical care, psychosocial support, rehabilitation, and reintegration to victims of trafficking and minor victims of sexual assault. BDS also implements a border transit monitoring program to identify and intercept potential human trafficking activities.

Malaika Orphanage - Tanzania

Malaika provides a positive and safe environment for vulnerable Tanzanian orphans and abandoned children in which they can fully develop to become adults who contribute to their communities. The organization runs a safe home, provides education support and facilitates family reintegration.

Little Rock Inclusive ECD Centre - Kenya

Little Rock IECD plays a vital role by providing resources and services to orphans, children with special needs, those affected by HIV/AIDS, and to families living in Kibera, Kenya's largest informal settlement, an area where support is limited. Little Rock has reached over 3,000 children with inclusive early childhood development services, therapeutic care, educational and nutritional support, daily meals, daycare services, and economic strengthening for families.

Umoja - Tanzania

Umoja empowers young people in Arusha to thrive through holistic education, good physical and mental health, and safe employment. Umoja offers a range of services to vulnerable Tanzanian youth, their families, and their communities including education and youth empowerment services, skills training, and social enterprise development.


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Thank you for being a champion for African children.

Together, we can build a future where every child thrives.