Introducing Masana wa Afrika — ELMA Philanthropies

Introducing Masana wa Afrika

Introducing Masana wa Afrika

June 7, 2024


Masana wa Afrika—which means “the warmth of the sun embraces Africa” in Xitsonga—is a newly established African nonprofit foundation that spun out of The ELMA Foundation’s Community Grants Programme (ECGP) in 2023. With a mission to support and amplify African community-based organisations serving the needs of children and their families, Masana wa Afrika aims to drive lasting change throughout the continent.

Recognizing that community leaders themselves are the experts best positioned to determine how funding can be most effectively utilized, Masana wa Afrika currently provides multi-year unrestricted grants alongside capacity-strengthening support to 110 organizations in 13 African countries, with plans to expand over the coming years.

These organizations offer a wide range of essential services that would otherwise be unavailable to children and families in their communities, including:

  • Early childhood development programs

  • Child nutrition

  • Support for children with disabilities

  • Economic empowerment opportunities

  • Psychosocial support

  • HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services

“Masana wa Afrika recognizes the inherent potential and resilience of African communities.” 
— Ruth Mapara, Director of Masana wa Afrika.

Masana wa Afrika’s approach to philanthropy centers on forging long-term relationships with proximate leaders; acknowledging the importance of local ownership, cultural sensitivity, and community-driven solutions in driving development in Africa. Its South Africa and Uganda-based team works closely with each grantee organization, supporting them as they create and implement sustainable, long-term advancements for their communities.

Masana wa Afrika’s initial funding partners are Delta Philanthropies and The ELMA Foundation.